I will of course be attending a neighbours little party which will allow me to show off my ability to eat an abnormal amount of sweets without throwing up. I'm also hoping to get a pumpkin to make sure 2 years of GCSE art doesn't go unnoticed. This year will also be a big year as i'm going to brave eating a toffee apple for the first time since I was in year 3. MAJOR BIG THING OK. Due to a dreaded concrete step that ruined my life when I tripped up it and smashed 5 (adult, may I add) teeth to smithereens. Step:1 - Christie:0

I know that looks like a huge array of nail varnishes for just a simple cat, but kittys are complex creatures that need a lot of detail... Topshop black Nail Art pen to outline the ears, Maybelline Colour Show in Chalk Dust for the two little eyes, Butter LONDON's The Full Monty (previously blogged) for the base, Sally Hansens Midnight in NY for the face, L.A colours white french manicure for some (messed up) whiskers and 17 Lasting finish in fairy cake for the nose!
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